
17)ハルジオン Haldion



東京都美術館 「流形展」出展、入選。

F30号 油彩画

Erigeron" is a wild grass that blooms from early spring.

Many people don't even know their names. 

But she picks such a flower and she decorated it on her straw hat.

The Shonan wind took away one of the flowers.

Exhibited and selected for the "Ryu-kei Exhibition" at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum.

F30 oil painting

アクセスカウンター アクセスカウンター

19)サン・グレゴリオ通り/ローマ San Gregorio Magno al Celio, Rome


     F4 アクリル画

     On the way from the Colosseum to the  "Mouth of Truth". Audrey Hepburn also ran on Vespa.

     F4  acrylic painting


   コロッセオとフォロ・ロマーノ    Colosseum and RomanForum.

   F4 水彩画              F4  watercolor  


スペイン広場。正確には「トリニタ・ディ・モンティ階段」が正式。  階段の上にあるトリニタ・ディ・モンティ教会があることからこの名前なのだがスペイン大使館が近くにあることから「スペイン広場、スペイン階段」と呼ばれるようになった。

F4 水彩画                                                    

 Spain Square. To be exact, the official name is "Trinita di Monti Stairs".   It was named because of the Trinità dei Monti church on the stairs, but it came to be called "Spanish Steps, " because the Spanish Embassy is nearby.    

F4  watercolor 

22)バチカン衛兵 Vatican City guard





F4 アクリル画  

It is well known that the Vatican City guards are Swiss Guards. It has been going on since the Vatican hired a powerful Swiss Guard. This guard's costume was designed by Leonardo da Vinci, and it is amazing that it is still used.

F4 acrylic painting

23)ドブロヴニク港  Dubrovnik harbor

『魔女の宅急便』のモデルになった町、                                    クロアチア・ドブロブニク。中世の世界と錯覚してしまいます。

F6 アクリル画 

Dubrovnik, Croatia, which is said to be the model for "Witch's Takkyubin"

It gives the illusion of the medieval world. 

F6 acrylic painting


Street Stradun, Dubrovnik



The central street of Dubrovnik, a World Heritage town.

F6 watercolor


Dubrovnik Harbor 



The best location called Old Port.

F4 watercolor / acrylic painting

         26) ドブロヴニクの月  Dubrovnik moon


F15号 油彩画 

The moon rises when the daytime heat subsides and it's time for wine and mussels.

F15 oil painting

27)カクテル(薔薇の名前) Cocktail


F4 水彩/アクリル画 

From one seedling, it now has enough flowers to fill the fence.

F4 watercolor / acrylic painting  

28)カリブラコア Calibrachoa


  F6 アクリル画 
                                   A flower native to South America.

The word for flowers is "being on your side makes you feel at ease."

  F6 acrylic painting

27-1)カクテル Cocktail


 F4号 アクリル画 寄贈

Bright colors welcome you at the front door.

F4 acrylic painting


Helsinki Cathedral


F4 水彩画 

Helsinki scenic landmark. The appearance of many young people sitting on the steps, fighting opinions and indulging in reading symbolizes Finland's eagerness to study.

F4 watercolor


   Turku, FINLAND



フィンランドの木の種類は 松、トウヒ、白樺、の 3種類が99%を占める。だから白樺の黄色く染まる色と常緑樹の緑色しかない。 しかし、その佇まいが静かに自己主張している。

F4  アクリル画 

Autumn in Finland is a view of adults.

 There are no trees that are dyed red like in Japan. Three types of Finnish trees, "pine", "spruce" and "birch", account for 99%. Therefore, there are only the yellow color of the birch and the green color of the evergreen tree. However, the appearance is quietly asserting itself.

F4  acrylic painting

31-1)ウスペンスキー寺院(初夏)     Uspensky Temple (early summer)

F4号 水彩画      F4 watercolor

31)ウスペンスキー寺院/Uspensky Temple

ヘルシンキ大聖堂にほど近く、しかし全くタイプの異なる外観の寺院。 北欧最大規模のロシア正教寺院。赤レンガ造り。

F4 水彩画 

A temple close to Helsinki Cathedral, but with a completely different look. It is the largest Russian Orthodox temple in Northern Europe.

Made of red brick.

F4 watercolor

32)ヘルシンキの雪  Helsinki snow



F4 アクリル画 

I worked for a SISU truck company for a month.

The outside scenery is always white and snow shadow. It was warm and gentle and I never got tired of watching it.

F4 acrylic painting



F4 アクリル画

Finnish snow is powder snow and accumulates on tree branches in a delicate balance. The sculpture created by the weight of the snow and the repulsive force of the wood is beautiful.

F4 acrylic painting

34)葦と湖   Reed and Lake


F4 アクリル画

Finland has 188,000 lakes and 17,700 islands. This is a lake in the area of Masala.

F4 acrylic painting

34-1)ヘルシンキ港  Helsinki port

大型船が着くとともに、魚を満載した小型の船が横付けになり、 行商が始まる。

F4号 水彩画

A large ship arrives here. Also, a small boat full of fish will berth here and start peddling.

F4 watercolor 

35)早春/Early spring



Northern Paris in early spring. Unlike Japan, the color of the cherry blossoms is white. It's gorgeous, but quiet.

F4 pastel painting

36)丘の上 top of the hill


F4 アクリル画

In Los Angeles. Is the book on the red cover a philosophy book?

F4 acrylic painting 

37)アムステルダム  Amsterdam

水仙の群生している公園にて。   いたるところに栽培されているチューリップなど見かけるが普通に花々が群生しているのは和む。

F6 水彩画

At a park where daffodils are growing. You can see tulips cultivated everywhere, but it's easy to see the flowers growing in clusters.and feels happy.

F6 watercolor

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